National Highway Authority, Government of Pakistan
Sindh Province, Pakistan
Estimated Project Cost
PKR 307 billion (US$ 1.71 billion)
Project has been awarded (Concession Agreement of the project has been signed)
The Project envisages construction of 306-km 6-lane green-field access-controlled motorway on Public Private Partnership (PPP) basis.
The Project features the only missing link in the north-south motorway corridor of Pakistan and with its
completion the travel time between the Karachi and upcountry is expected to be reduced significantly; and
commuters will be able to complete their entire upcountry journeys using motorway network.
The Project expects to attract Average Daily Traffic of ~49,000 in the first operational of the Project. The daily traffic is
expected to grow at the rate of 5% per annum over
the period of concession.
Salient Features
Implementation Modality
PPP/ Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) basis.
The Project will be implemented using Project Finance structure whereby the private party will form a dedicated project
company to implement and execute the Project for a total of 25 years period
(which includes 30 months construction period).
Government Contributions
Land/ Right-of-Way (ROW)
Capital Viability Gap Funding (VGF) of PKR 9.5 billion (US$ 45 million)
No operational VGF
Sovereign Guarantee to secure VGF payment obligations
Government Return
Guaranteed revenue share of PKR 408 billion (US$ 2.27 billion)
Corporate taxes of PKR 918 billion (US$ 4.5 billion)
Project assets, at no cost, at the end of concession period
Private Party Return
Project tolling rights
Right to exploit commercial development within the Project corridor including
development rights for motorway service areas